How do I post to a blog?
Well, you must first be recognized as a contributor to the blog. I've arranged for Google to email each of you and provide you with instructions on how to join the blog as a contributor. If you've completed all of the necessary steps, your name will be listed under contributors on the left-hand side of the blog.
After you do the next part once or twice, posting to a blog will become very easy. It looks more complicated when you read the instructions below than it actually is.
If you want to create a new post, you click on "New Post". You can do this in either the initial window that opens when you log in, or in the blog, which you can access via "View Blog". In the blog window, click on "New Post" in the upper right hand corner. Then click the "Posting" tab. Click the "Create" button. You will be in the "Compose" window. Add a title. Type in your text. Click the "Add Image" button (looks like a mountain with a tree and blue sky) and follow instructions to add an image. To add the image, you browse to your image file and select it, choose whether you'd like the blog image to be on the left, middle or right, accept terms of service, and then click "Upload Image".
You can do something similar if you wish with video.
Once you're done, click the "Publish Post" button. You can then click on "View Blog" in the new window to see your new posting. You will be taken to the blog. Your new posting will appear separately from my old posting and from all others' postings.
If you wish to edit or modify your post, you can click back on (now pay attention here) "New Posting" in the upper right hand corner, and then click on "Edit Posts" in the new window that appears. You will be taken to a window where you can view, edit or delete your post. If you choose edit, then you get to edit your post and republish it, similarly to how you published it in the first place.
When you're feeling up to it, you can creat your own blog with Google. Just do a Google search on creating a blog on Google, and then do it.
- Dr. Edwards